Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve done our best to compile the information. However, if you find mistakes, please contact us so we can consider corrections.   

Q: Who should I call if I have information about Macin Smith?

A: If you’ve seen Macin Smith or have any information that could solve this case please call the St. George Police Dept. (435) 627-4300.  In addition, we ask that you email: 

Q: Where was Macin Smith born?

A: Macin Darrin Smith was born in American Fork, Utah on April 7, 1998 to mother Tracey Smith and father Darrin Smith.

Q: When did Macin Smith go missing?

A: Macin was reported missing by his parents on Monday, September 1, 2015.

Q: What is the address where the Smith family lived when Macin went missing in 2015?

A: 2930 E. Amaranth Drive

Saint George, UT 84790-5018

Q: What is the address of Vasa Fitness where Macin’s father, Darrin Smith checked-in at 7:45am on September 1, 2015?

A: 484 North Mall Drive

Saint George, UT 

Q: What is the Namus Case Number for Macin Smith?

A: #30220

Q: What is Macin Smith case number for National Center for Missing and Exploited Children?

A: NCMEC #1254151

Q: When was Macin Smith’s parents’ divorce finalized?

A: In May, 2018

Q: Why did the police focus on Darrin Smith as a suspect in Macin Smith’s disappearance?

A: Macin was reported missing by his parents just three days after his father returned home after working out of state for a prolonged period of time. There were indications that Macin was not particularly fond of his father beginning around the age of twelve. Some have speculated that Darrin Smith may have failed a polygraph test after his son went missing. Others have concluded that the timeline of events does not add up.

Q: Where can I find more information on Macin Smith’s disappearance?

A: There’s a timeline of Macin’s disappearance at A blog dedicated to Finding Macin Smith An investigative television show on ID Channel that covered the mysterious case called Disappeared; The Silent Son (Season 8 Episode 2).

Q: What’s Macin’s description?

A: Macin Smith is a 6’4″caucasion male, weighing 200lbs, born on April 7, 1998. He has blue eyes, blond or light brown hair, and wears size 14 shoes. Macin was born in American Fork, Utah, and has lived in Alberta Canada, and St. George, Utah. He is a fan of anime cartoons and rock music.

Q: What are the closest bodies of water to where Macin went missing?

A: The Virgin River, Sand Hollow Reservoir, and Quail Creek State Park.

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