Macin Smith’s Note in Question

The family refuses to release the contents of the note which was allegedly found 6-days after Macin went missing. It was written on notebook paper, folded inside Macin’s Wallet in his locked bedroom. It is three pages long and written by hand. Police have possession of it. Since the note has not been released, we can only speculate on the importance of the note. Is it a suicide letter? Probably not. Most suicide victims would leave a note in plain sight. From various published interviews we can gleam certain knowledge of the contents. Both parents were berated by Macin according to police sources. It contained the words, “I’m done” which according to Macin’s mother Tracey Bratt-Smith is an ominous indication he intended to hurt himself. Both parents were mentioned in said note. The note eluded to an argument that took place the night before Macin went missing. This is an interesting development, because Tracey Bratt-Smith in an interview stated no argument took place that night. Apparently, Macin felt things were missing in his life and he wished they were different according to his mother. It described a decline that had happened over the previous five-years of Macin’s life from the time he was twelve-years-old. He felt hurt and broken. After reading the note, some concluded that Macin was a shy, socially awkward kid, who was bullied at school.